Dream Pulse is one-page scrolling template with a sticky sidebar menu. This 2-column layout used Bootstrap v4.3.1 and Magnific Popup...
Verticard is probably the simplest CSS template with super minimal layout design. Gallery page features 2 columns 3 rows image...
Next Level is simple CSS Bootstrap template with 4 different pages. Homepage features parallax images. About page contains tab...
Reflux is one-page scrolling template with a sticky left side bar. This is a Bootstrap 4 CSS layout suitable for personal portfolio...
Elegance HTML Template has a blue gradient overlay video background. Slide up and down over different sections of page contents....
Vanilla CSS Template is a parallax Bootstrap v4.2.1 layout in an ocean blue color theme design. There is a fixed side bar menu at the...
Highway HTML Template has a full-page video banner and a grid image gallery. About page and blog page included. Main menu and contact...
Beauty is a stylish and elegant web page design using circles and leaning boxes. This CSS layout is minimal and mobile ready using...
Sentra HTML Page has a zooming image slider, content carousel listing, blog tabs, video, maps, etc. This is a 2-column page design...
Moonlight is one-page HTML template that used a horizontal sliding page transition. Portfolio image gallery uses an inner pop-up....
Hydro is a landing-page CSS template with a beautiful blue-green gradient semi-transparent overlay on background image. This layout...
Tinker CSS Template is a beautiful one-page layout based on Bootstrap HTML5. Homepage full background image uses a parallax effect....
Stacked Template is based on darkblue background images with 3D flip content effect. Show / hide menu icons at the left side.
Page one is simple and effective layout with beautiful background images for different sections. Multiple category image gallery is...
Newline is a responsive CSS template based on yellow and darkgray video background. Pages slide horizontally on white content BG.
Short is a really small and simple HTML template that is responsive and mobile ready. Just use this for your quick website or minimal...
Neaty HTML Template is simple, minimal and clean 2-column layout that can be used for any purpose. It supports multiple image...
Stimulus HTML resume template is a personal website layout with metro style blocks of contents. This theme is great for your...
Pipeline is a 2-column Bootstrap template with a pink color theme. Image Gallery uses Bubba hover effect from Codrops (tympanus)....
Elevate is clean and simple Bootstrap 4.0 responsive theme. This is a minimal layout for making a quick and easy website.
The Story is free Bootstrap (v4.0 alpha 2) theme. There are 4 content pages 4 different background images with fade in-out. This is a...
Sigma Bootstrap 4 Template features metro-style image gallery with responsive lightbox and multiple content columns. This is a fluid...
Blaster is a lightgray color one-page portfolio template that is simple, responsive and effective Bootstrap v3.3.5 layout.
Impulse is a parallax template, Bootstrap v3.3.5 mobile-ready layout. Portfolio lightbox gallery and pricing tables are included.
Onetel is a black theme, Bootstrap v3.3.5 clean and nice CSS layout. It includes responsive image lightbox portfolio and 4 HTML pages.
Alpha is animated Bootstrap v3.3.4 clean layout that includes portfolio masonry grid, pricing tables, contact form.
Ultra Profile can be a good fit for your online HTML resume. This is based on Bootstrap v3.3.4 responsive layout. This CSS template...
Medigo is a full-site responsive parallax layout, 4 color themes (blue, green, red, orange). Drop down menu, multi-category portfolio...