Grand Design is free mobile-ready website template. This design is elegant with golden pink gradient background. All 4 HTML pages are Bootstrap v3.3.2 responsive layout.
Composite is simple Bootstrap v3.3.2 HTML template that you can use as online resume or profile page. Welcome section features a full-width...
Stream Responsive Template features a full-page image slider and it is a darkblue color design for personal portfolios. Bootstrap v3.3.1
Volton is simple personal portfolio template with vertical menu at the left side bar. This is a Bootstrap v3.3.1 mobile friendly layout.
Brownie is a responsive Bootstrap v3.2.0 layout designed by rounded rectangular shapes in left and right alternatively. It features...
Tags: business, responsive, bootstrap, portfolio, pink, golden
Grand Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Grand HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Grand Template to your friends. Thank you.
Added: 11 March 2015 Downloads: 6,865