Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2023, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Sentra Template

Sentra HTML Page has a zooming image slider, content carousel listing, blog tabs, video, maps, etc. This is a 2-column page design with sticky left side bar and animated active item hover.

templatemo 518 sentra

520 Highway

Highway HTML Template has a full-page video banner and a grid image gallery. About page and blog page included. Main menu and contact form...


519 Beauty

Beauty is a stylish and elegant web page design using circles and leaning boxes. This CSS layout is minimal and mobile ready using...


517 Timeless

Timeless Bootstrap v4.0.0 layout is simple listing of items on black and white page. Fade in-out text over the video header can be edited...


516 Known

Known is an educational responsive CSS template that comes with a slider, carousels, simple signup forms, and contact form. All-in-one...

Tags: portfolio, photography, one-page, bootstrap, css, purple, darkgray

Sentra Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Sentra HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Sentra Template to your friends. Thank you.

Added: 31 July 2018    Downloads: 15,764