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Diagoona Template

Diagoona is a Bootstrap v4.4.1 layout HTML CSS template. This has a semi-transparent diagonal overlay on background images. There are 4 HTML pages for your different contents. Simple contact form is included.

templatemo 550 diagoona

551 Stand Blog

Stand Blog HTML CSS Template is ready to serve as your CMS theme for your business website. You can adapt this Bootstrap 4 CSS layout for...


549 Business Oriented

Business Oriented is free CSS template that focuses on corporate websites. You can use this in your digital marketing purpose too. Header...


548 Training Studio

Training Studio CSS template is suitable for gym, fitness club, and Yoga club websites. This HTML template is built on Bootstrap v4.3.1...


547 Real Dynamic

Real Dynamic HTML Template is a Bootstrap v4.4.1 layout. There are 4 HTML pages including about, gallery, and contact. All pages has a...

Tags: bootstrap4, multi-page, css, html5, responsive

Diagoona Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Diagoona HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Diagoona Template to your friends. Thank you.

Added: 25 March 2020    Downloads: 3,734