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Victory Template

Victory is a food and restaurant CSS template with a simple reservation HTML form. It also includes carousel menus for food items. Blog page is included.

templatemo 507 victory

509 Hydro

Hydro is a landing-page CSS template with a beautiful blue-green gradient semi-transparent overlay on background image. This layout...


508 Power

Power HTML website template is a professional Bootstrap theme for digital marketing. It has content tabs and carousel. You can use this...


506 Tinker

Tinker CSS Template is a beautiful one-page layout based on Bootstrap HTML5. Homepage full background image uses a parallax effect. You can...


505 Stacked

Stacked Template is based on darkblue background images with 3D flip content effect. Show / hide menu icons at the left side.

Tags: html5, bootstrap, restaurant, blog

Victory Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Victory HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Victory Template to your friends. Thank you.

Added: 20 October 2017    Downloads: 12,406