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Motion Template

Motion includes different background videos for different pages. This responsive layout is based on Hero Slider and Bootstrap. Galleries with pop up images included.

templatemo 494 motion

496 Pipeline

Pipeline is a 2-column Bootstrap template with a pink color theme. Image Gallery uses Bubba hover effect from Codrops (tympanus). Mobile...


495 Metro Fit

Metro Fit features top grid image gallery with a pop up. This responsive layout is based on Bootstrap 4 alpha 3. It is a blue color design...


493 Snapshot

Snapshot is a CSS landing-page template that includes 4 content sections, background images with zoom effect, carousel for team section,...


492 App Starter

App Starter is free landing-page template. This layout has carousel items, pricing tables, newsletter and pop up contact form. Pink,...

Tags: gallery, html5, responsive, bootstrap, video

Motion Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Motion HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Motion Template to your friends. Thank you.

Added: 02 August 2016    Downloads: 14,533