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Workforce Template

Workforce is one-page animated responsive mobile ready Bootstrap v3.3.4 layout for any kind of company.

templatemo 461 workforce

463 Motor

Motor is a Bootstrap v3.3.4 responsive layout for automobile or car websites. Header and footer are designed by aluminium alloy wheels.


462 Coming Soon

Coming Soon HTML page includes 2 themes, light and dark background. This is Bootstrap v3.3.5 layout with sticky main menu bar on top....


460 Medigo

Medigo is a full-site responsive parallax layout, 4 color themes (blue, green, red, orange). Drop down menu, multi-category portfolio and...


459 Pizza

Pizza is a mobile-ready responsive HTML template, flex slider and minimal design. Bootstrap v3.3.4 layout is used for this CSS layout.

Tags: corporate, animated, responsive, bootstrap, darkgray, white

Workforce Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Workforce HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Workforce Template to your friends. Thank you.

Added: 08 July 2015    Downloads: 15,928