Sigma Bootstrap 4 Template features metro-style image gallery with responsive lightbox and multiple content columns. This is a fluid layout easy to customize...
Accord is a metro style Bootstrap theme with multiple column options. Gallery is a masonry grid layout with image lightbox. Contact form and location map is...
Puzzle is clean and fresh Bootstrap v3.3.6 one-page HTML CSS template using alternative image and text blocks. Main background used a blue color image where...
Conquer Parallax Template includes multiple column options for greater flexibility. Conquer is simple and effective Bootstrap v3.3.6 layout for any kind of...
Holiday is a great Bootstrap v3.3.5 responsive HTML layout for travel and tour websites. Home page includes image slider, check-in form and popular...
App Landing page includes feature, download and contact sections. Rollover menu has a nice fade in out transition. Bootstrap v3.3.1 is used in this layout.
November is a professional website template that is responsive HTML CSS and mobile friendly. This is an ice blue color theme for your corporate or business...
Blaster is a lightgray color one-page portfolio template that is simple, responsive and effective Bootstrap v3.3.5 layout.
ZigZag uses diagonal background layers to make attractive design. ZigZag is suitable for websites with minimal contents.
Metro City uses metro style grid layout section blocks for different contents. This template incorporates Bootstrap v3.3.5 responsive design.
Impulse is a parallax template, Bootstrap v3.3.5 mobile-ready layout. Portfolio lightbox gallery and pricing tables are included.
Onetel is a black theme, Bootstrap v3.3.5 clean and nice CSS layout. It includes responsive image lightbox portfolio and 4 HTML pages.
Infinite Loop is a Bootstrap 4.0 HTML Template with a parallax effect. It has a fast scroll easing from section to section. Carousel items are included.
Gymso one-page template is good for fitness or gym websites. This scrolling layout has a class timetable, pop-up member form, contact form and maps.
Level template is suitable for hotels or travel websites. Form Check-in / Check-out uses a date picker. You can edit anything in this layout to fit your website needs.
Pop Design is simple and elegant HTML5 template featuring pop-up pages. Background is a stylish modern architecture dark gray full-sized image.